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„Exporturile româneşti în Austria au crescut în 2010″

Interviu cu domnul Constantin Miu, consilier economic al Ambasadei României la Viena

Domnul Constantin Miu este un profesionist în domeniul său. Tocmai de aceea se adaptează rapid în orice mediu în care trebuie să lucreze. Această familiarizare sub semnul urgenţei îl ajută să identifice priorităţile să descopere oportunităţi, pentru a-si îndeplini mandatul încredinţat din ţară.

Domnule Constantin Miu, aveţi o mare experienţă în domeniul economic. Cum explicaţi poves­tea de succes a relaţiilor econo­mice între România si Austria?

Care ar fi acestea?

În ce domeniu este mai evident acest succes?

Există modalităţi de a le impul­siona în continuare?

Care e importanţa acestui do­cument

Criza a afectat aceste relaţii?


Ce credeţi: efectele crizei s-au simţit mai puţin în Austria decât în România? Dacă da, de ce?

Totuşi …

“The Romanian exports to Austria increased in 2010”

Interview with Mr. Constantin Miu, economic counselor within the Romanian Embassy in Vienna

In what field are the economic relations between Romania and Austria most successful?

As we all well know, Austrian companies in the banking, finance and insurance field have a consistent share of the specific Ro- manian market, which is an encouraging factor to other potential investors. Following major investment in oil processing and distri- bution of petroleum products, Austrian developers and investors extended their operations in service and re-technology sectors, as well in process optimization. Lately we can see a great interest and a more active presence in the energy field, as Austrian firms are keen to purchase and upgrade the hydro units, along with in- vesting in renewable energy production. We must make it clear that all the Austrian companies – including the banking sector – are willing to get involved in infrastructure projects and in any type of projects that are supported through government guarantees.

Has the crisis affected these relations? In my opinion, the crisis has had measurable effects only in the commercial area within the Romanian-Austrian relations. There is no conclusive data on setbacks in the economic, financial or in- vestment fields. As a result of a reduced domestic demand in both countries, in 2009, bilateral trade volume of goods decreased by 29.5%, compared with 2008, respectively, from 3.60 billion to 2.54 billion Euros, of which Romanian exports fall was reported to be 11.5%. But in 2010, they resumed their upward trend, with an average increase of about 9%, exceeding a value of 2 billion Euros at September 30, 2010. Our exports have registered a higher growth rate of over 22%, which helped reduce the trade deficit from the first nine months of the year.