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„Vrem să impulsionăm strategia Dunării”

Interviu cu Excelenţa Sa, Domnul Michael Schwarzinger, Ambasador al Austriei la Bucuresti.

Un ambasador; o persoană rece, calculată, ale cărei gânduri sunt greu de ghicit. Dacă il intâlniti pe domnul Michael Schwarzinger, renuntati imediat la acest clişeu.

Vă rugăm să ne creionaţi un scurt istoric al relaţiilor între România şi Austria înainte de căderea co­munismului în ţara noastră.

Iar după război Austria a fost una dintre puţinele ţări care au menţinut relaţii constante cu România comunistă…

Totuşi, după 1990, relaţiile din­tre cele două ţări nu au debutat sub cele mai bune auspicii.

V-aţi dorit postul de ambasador la Bucureşti sau a fost doar o întâmplare că aţi ajuns aici?

De ce v-aţi dorit să ajungeţi în România?

Care sunt principale proiecte pe care vi le-aţi propus ca am­basador la Bucuresti?

Se poartă uşor dialogul cu diplomaţia românească?

Cum trece o zi din viaţa unui am­basador al Austriei la Bucureşti?

“We want to invigorate the Danube strategy”

Interview with Mr. Michael Schwarzinger, the Austrian Ambassador to Bucharest.

Which are the main projects, as ambassador in Bucharest?

One of our main goals is to invigorate the Danube strategy, to increase traffic on the Danube river with all that entails, in- cluding expanded tourism and environmental protection. On the other hand, we have a major interest in the transport of natural gas and oil from East to West. In addition, there are Austrian investment projects for the next years, part of large infrastructure development projects in Romania, we also have plans to invest in tourism. From the political point of view, we try to make our contribution to Romania’s integration in all EU structures, to cooperate within the Schengen area membership, to the future single currency. There are many joint projects, on all the levels: political, economic, cultural, touristic, scientific. In fact, everywhere you look, you can see a huge interest in both Romanians and Austrians to learn more about each other, to discover new possibilities of co- operation in their mutual interest. And I think that the rela- tions linking the two countries are not only the high-level politicians or civil servants attributions, but those built by daily contact, human to human.

Is the dialogue with the Romanian diplomacy an easy one?

Yes. They are very professional. I met many officials of the Romanian Foreign Ministry and I felt as if we don’t sit on op- posite sides of the table, but that we really have joint proj­ects, trying to take them along to completion.